As a Product Manager at WCC Smart Search & Match in Utrecht (the Netherlands) you will be responsible for the product roadmap for WCC’s match engine ELISE. Your day-to-day tasks will include:
- Driving the product development process using input from your colleagues in sales, delivery and software development.
- Managing the whole cycle from collecting and defining market requirements right through to managing market launches of new product releases for both the employment services and the identity market.
- Selecting and maintaining partnerships with technology partners (incl. Unisys, Accenture).
A full job spec for this vacancy Product Manager is available on the WCC site.
WCC Smart Search & Match, Utrecht
As a Product Manager, you will be employed by our client WCC Smart Search & Match, based in Utrecht. Did I hear you ask “Who??” Well, WCC might not to be such a well known brand name, but they supply the smartest matching software (called ELISE) for many government employment and staffing agencies around the world (e.g. Adecco, Randstad, USG), helping them create the best matches between jobs and people.
WCC’s ELISE also matches ID documents with individuals, helping police and immigration authorities in many countries to catch the bad guys and create safe borders. ELISE is often used in conjunction with other technology solutions and acts as the high-tech matching engine within other software solutions.
WCC currently employs around 50 people from all over the world (India, the United States, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Spain and Turkey). As a Product Manager, you will report to WCC’s CCO, Wim Rietdijk (see his video). You will be traveling frequently but will be based in the Utrecht office (Netherlands).
Meet the following requirements? Then you’re the ideal candidate for the position of Product Manager at WCC Smart Search & Match in Utrecht:
Your education and experience:
- You will be working with a bunch of very smart people, so a relevant Master degree, preferably in a technical field, is expected. But we won’t trash your CV if you have a different degree with relevant experience.
- You have a proven track record in product management at an international software company.
Your knowledge:
- You’re fluent in spoken and written English, and if you can speak Dutch that’s a plus, but it’s not required.
- You’re familiar with the Employment Services market, since that’s 70-80% of WCC’s business, but not necessarily in the role of Product Manager. Don’t bother applying if you don’t know this market.
- Knowledge of the Identity market is a nice added plus, but not a must.
Your personality:
- Traveling makes you smile rather than moan.
- Although WCC is a relatively small company, they take their business very seriously. If you’re the 80-20 rule kind-a-guy or girl, you’ll likely not fit in here.
- If you’re the techie product manager guy (or girl) that prefers to stay indoors with not too many distractions from clients, don’t apply either. But if client contact rings your bells, welcome!
- People love working with you and you love working with people.
- You are that rare individual that can keep one eye on the horizon and one eye on the stuff that needs to get done today.
- As well as a good base salary of € 70 – 100 K all-in, per annum, you will share in the company’s profits and of course get the (typically Dutch) 8% annual vacation allowance.
- WCC is a truly global company and welcomes candidates from all over the world. They will help you obtain the Knowledge Migrant Status and thefavorable 30% tax ruling for foreign knowledge workers in the Netherlands.
- WCC believes in the philosophy of “a sound mind in a sound body”, so it contributes to your membership of a fitness club.
- A fun working environment with involved and visible (glass walls) colleagues and excellent coffee (check the video).
You can apply using the form below, which gives you the opportunity to add a motivation letter (nice!) or just press “Apply with LinkedIn” (quick). At WCC a reference check and assessment is always part of the application process. Hate those? Better not apply.
If you’ve got any questions about this Product Manager job in Utrecht:
- call me at +31 6 53 260 974
- click on Ask a question
- send me an email at
And because a consultant never works 9 to 5, you can also get in touch with me in the evenings and at the weekend. Speak to you soon!
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